ja (+) pron. I (1st. pers. sg.) § 13, 34
jabuka f apple
· jabučni adj.
jadan (jadn-) adj. miserable
jadnik mª poor, miserable person
· jadnica f
jagoda f strawberry
jaje (jaj- / jajet-) n (N-pl jaja) egg
jak adj. (comp. jači) strong
· jakost f strength
· jačina f strength
jakna f jacket
jako adv.i. very, strongly § 8
jasan (jasn-) adj. clear; understandable
jastuk m pillow, cushion {colloq. coast kušin}
jedan (jedn-) adj. one, used as number 1; § 18
jesti (jede, jeo) ~ po eat (A)
jedin adj. (no comp.) single, unique
jednak adj. (no comp.) equal
· jednakost f equality
jednom adv. once
jednostavan (jednostavn-) adj. simple, not complex
· jednostavnost f simplicity
jedro (G-pl also jedara) n sail
jedva adv. just, barely
jeftin adj. cheap (opposite: skup)
jelen mª deer
jelo n meal, dish
jelovnik m menu
jer conj. because § 50
jesen f autumn
· jesenski rel. adj.
jezero n (pl jezer-) lake
· jezerski rel. adj.
jezik m tongue; language
· jezični rel. adj.
jež mª hedgehog; (sea) urchin
jučer adv. yesterday {B/S: juče}
· jučerašnji rel. adj. yesterday's § 76
juha f soup {R/B/S: supa}
junak mª hero
· junakinja f
· junački adj.
jutro n morning
· jutros adv. this morning § 18
· jutrošnji adj. this morning's § 76
jug m south (na¨ l/d)
· južni adj. southern
kada f bathtub
kakav (kakv-) adj. (no comp.) what like
kako adv. how
kamen m stone
· kameni rel. adj.
· kamenje n coll. stones, rocks
kamion m truck
· kamionski rel. adj.
kanta f bin
· kanta za smeće trash can
kao conj. as, like § 13
· kao da as if § 77
kapa f cap
kaplja f drop, droplet
kaput m coat
karta f card; map; (train, bus) ticket
kasan (kasn-) adj. late
· kasnije adv. later
kasniti ~ za- («) v.p. be late
kašalj (kašlj-) m cough
kašljati (kašlje) impf. cough
kat m floor (in a buiding, e.g. first, second; ground floor: prizemlje) {B/S: sprat} § 33
katkad adv. from time to time
kava f coffee (na¨ act.) {B/S: kafa}
kazna f penalty, punishment
kazati (kaže) impf. (da...) tell (DL) (that...)
kažnjavati («) ~ kazniti v.p. (na¨ A1) punish A (with A1)
· kažnjen pass. adj. punished
kći f (A kćer) daughter {colloq./R: kćer, kćerka...}
keks m (N-pl keksi) biscuit
kihati (kiše) ~¹ kihnuti (kihne) v.p. sneeze
kino n cinema {B/S: bioskop}
kip m statue
kipući adj. (no comp.) boiling
kiseo (kisel-) / kisel adj. sour, acidic
· kiselina f acid
kiša f rain (na¨ met.)
· kišni adj. rainy
kišiti impf. rain (much more often: padati + kiša)
kladiti se² ~ o- v.p. (s I) (da...) bet (with I) (that...)
klinac (klinc-) mª (colloq. NW, S) kid
· klinka f
klupa f bench
ključ m key
· ključni rel. adj.
knjiga f book
· knjižni, književni rel. adj.
knjižara f bookstore
književnost f literature
knjižnica f library {B/S: biblioteka}
kocka f cube; (colloq.) any square-like shape
· kockica f dice
· kockast adj.
kočiti ~ za- («) v.p. brake
kod prep. (+ G) at G, by G § 20
· kod kuće at home
koji (+) adj. that, which (used for relational clauses)
kokoš f hen, chicken
· kokošji rel. adj.
kolač m cake
kolica n pl. cart; wheelchair
količina f quantity
kolik adj. (no comp.) how big
koliko adv.q. how much/many § 8, 40
kolodvor m main (train, bus) station (na¨ l/d)
· kolodvorski rel. adj.
kolovoz m (formal) August § 31 {B/S: avgust}
· kolovoški rel. adj.
koljeno n knee
komad m piece [kom.] {S: parče (parčet-) n}
konačno adv. finally, eventually
konj mª (N-pl konji) horse
· na konju pred. on the pig's back
· konjski rel. adj.
kopati ~* is- v.p. dig (A)
kora f crust; bark
korak m step
korisnik mª user
· korisnica f
· korisnički rel. adj.
korist f utility, effect, use
koristan (korisn-) adj. useful
koristiti ~* is- v.p. use A; is useful (to DL)
kos adj. inclined, slanted
· kosina f incline
kosa f hair
kost f bone
koštati impf. cost A
košulja f shirt (T-shirt: majica)
koža f skin, leather
· kožni rel. adj.
krasti (krade, krao) ~/~* u- (») v.p. (od G) steal (A) (from G)
krađa f theft
kraj m end; part of land (na¨ l/d)
· na kraju finally
· krajnji rel. adj. ultimate
kralj mª king
· kraljica f queen
· kraljevski rel. adj.
krasan (krasn-) adj. splendid, wonderful
kratak (kratk-) adj. (comp. kraći) short
krava f cow
· kravlji rel. adj.
krevet m bed (also: postelja)
· krevetni rel. adj.
kretati (kreće) ~ krenuti (krene) start moving, set off (see also: pokretati)
krilo n wing
kriv adj. (comp. krivlji) wrong; guilty § 79; curved
krivac (krivc-) mª culprit, guilty one
kriviti ~~ o- («) v.p. A blame
križ m cross {B/S: krst}
· križni rel. adj.
krov m roof (na¨ l/d)
· krovni rel. adj.
krpa f rug
krug m circle
· kružni rel. adj. circular
kruh m bread
· krušni rel. adj.
krumpir m potato (also often: krompir)
kruna f crown
· krunski rel. adj.
krupan (krupn-) adj. massive, sturdy
krv f blood
· krvni rel. adj.
krvav adj. bloody, covered with blood
kucati ~¹ po- v.p. (na A) knock (on A)
kuća f house
· kućni rel. adj.
kuhar mª cook, chef
· kuharica f (also means cookbook)
· kuharski rel. adj.
kuhati ~* s- v.p. cook (A); mediopass.
kuhinja f kitchen
· kuhinjski rel. adj.
kum mª godfather; wedding witness
· kuma f godmother
kuna f marten; Croatian money [kn]
kupac (kupc-) mª customer, buyer
kupati ~* o- («) v.p. bathe A / se²
· kupaće (gaćice / gaće) swimming briefs § 80
· kupaći (kostim) bathing costume § 80
kupovati (kupuje) ~ kupiti v.p. (od G) buy (A) (from G)
· kupljen pass. adj. bought
kušati impf. taste A
kut m (N-pl also kutevi) angle; corner {B/S: ugao (ugl-)}
· kutni rel. adj.
kutija f box
kvar m breakdown, defect
kvariti ~* po- («) v.p. spoil A; se² get spoiled, break (e.g. car)
Hi Daniel, first of all, thanks a lot for your amazing work!
ReplyDeleteI have a quick question regarding the word koliko. Here you write that in the Western pronunciation the stress would be on the second syllable, but here in Zagreb I think I've only heard the stress being put on the first syllable. Are people just using standard pronunciation often with this word?
(I looked it up in the dictionary btw because I found an example sentence in lesson 9 where only the i is underlined, so the standard pronunciation seems to be missing there)
Frankly I don't know. I live in Zagreb and I mostly hear koLIko.
DeleteIn the lesson 9 I maybe unintentionally left the underscore out, i.e. forgot it...