French translation
Easy Croatian has been translated and adapted to French by Marie-Hélène Ray.
She did a huge amount of work, which required not only deep knowledge of English and Croatian, but also knowledge of French grammar and grammatical terms and traditions used to describe French. Where neccessary, she adapted the English original for French audiences, and suggested various improvements to the English site.
Marie-Hélène Ray did everything for free and in a quite short timespan, so this web site can only express enormous gratitude to her. Thank you, Marie-Hélène!
Prijevod na francuski
Easy Croatian je na francuski jezik prilagodila i prevela Marie-Hélène Ray.
Obavila je ogroman posao, koji je tražio ne samo temeljito znanje engleskog i hrvatskog, već i znanje francuske gramatike, gramatičkih pojmova i uobičajenih načina opisa francuskog. Gdje je bilo potrebno, prilagodila je engleski original francuskim čitateljima, i predložila razna poboljšanja engleskom izvorniku.
Marie-Hélène Ray je sve napravila besplatno i u prilično kratkom roku, pa joj ovaj web site može samo izraziti ogromnu zahvalu. Puno hvala, Marie-Hélène!

ReplyDeleteI wonder if you might be interested in an Italian translation of your blog (which is fantastic!). Let me know. Simonetta
Yes! I would be very interested! Grazie!
DeleteIf you are willing, please send me a message through the Facebook page, or at the e-mail dan13l.n (a) gmail . com
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