pa conj. and, then § 55

pad m fall

padati ~ pasti (padne, pao) v.p. fall

· + ispit fail exam

pakao (pakl-) m hell

· paklen adj.

palac (palc-) m (N-pl palci / palčevi) thumb

pametan (pametn-) adj. smart

pamtiti ~~ za- v.p. remember, memorize A / CC § 69

· pamćenje n memory

· pamtiv adj. memorable

pamuk m cotton

· pamučni rel. adj.

pandža f claw

papir m paper (but newspaper: novine)

· papirni rel. adj.

· papirnat adj.

par m pair § 47

par adv. couple § 45

para f steam

· parni rel. adj.

parkiralište n parking lot

parkirati («) ~* s- v.p. park (vehicle) (A)

pas (ps-) mª dog

· pseći adj.

· pasji rel. adj.

patiti ~* pro- («) v.p. suffer

· patnja f suffering

patka f duck

· patak (patk-) mª

· pačji rel. adj.


paziti impf. take care, be careful

· pažnja f care, attention

· pažljiv adj. careful

pčela f bee

peć f stove, furnace

peći (peče, pres-3pl peku; pekao, pekla) ~ is- (») v.p. bake (A); mediopass.

· pečen pass. adj. baked

pećnica f oven

penjati (penje) se² ~* popeti (popne) se² v.p. (na¨ A) climb (A)

pero n feather

· perje n coll. feathers

pet number 5

peta f heel

petak (petk-) m Friday

piće n (usually no pl.) drink

pijesak (pijesk-) m sand

· pješčan rel. adj.

pile (pilet-) n (as pl. pilići) chicken

· pileći rel. adj.

pisac (pisc-) mª writer (used sometimes for fem. as well)

· spisateljica f (formal)

pisati (piše) ~* na- («) v.p. write (A) (to DL)

pismo n (G-pl pisama) letter

pita f pie

pitati impf. ask (A-pers) (A-what / CC-question); § 59, 73

pitanje n question

piti (pije) ~* po- v.p. drink (A)

pivo n beer {colloq. NW piva}

· pivski rel. adj.

pjena f foam

pjesma f (G-pl pjesama) song


· pjesnikinja f

· pjesnički rel. adj. poetic

pješice (also: pješke) adv. by foot, on foot


· pjevačica f

· pjevački rel. adj.

pjevati ~* ot- ~~ za- v.t. sing (A) (to DL)

plahta f bed sheet {B/S: thin sheet: čaršav / čaršaf}

plakati (plače) ~~ za- v.p. cry (with tears)

planina f mountain (na¨ l/d)

· planinski adj.

plaćati ~ platiti v.p. pay (A) (to DL)

· plaćen pass. adj. paid

plašiti ~/~~ u- v.p. scare A; se² get scared (of G); se² da... get scared that...; § 69

plavi adj. blue § 11

plaža f beach (na¨ l/d)

ples m dance

· plesni adj.

plesati ~* ot- («) ~~ za- («) v.t. (na¨ A) dance (to A)

plima f tide

· plimni rel. adj.

plivati ~* ot- ~~ za- v.t. swim

ploviti ~* ot- («) ~~ za- («) v.t. sail, navigate

pluća f pl. lung(s)

· plućni rel. adj.

pljuštati (pljušti) impf. rain heavily (impers.)

pljusak (pljusk-) m rainshower

po prep. (+ DL) over surface of § 42; (with verbs of motion + A) to pick up § 50; (+ DL) according to § 42; (NOUN1 po NOUN2) NOUN1 by NOUN2; (+ quantity) each (distributive)

pobjeda f victory

· + nad¨ I victory over I


· pobjednica f

· + nad¨ I over I

pobjeđivati (-uje «) ~ pobijediti («) v.p. (u¨ DL) win (in DL); (u¨ DL) beat A (in DL)

· pobijeđen pass. adj. beaten (in a play)

pobjeći perf. → bježati

početak (početk-) m beginning (na¨ l/d)

počinjati (počinje) ~ početi (počne) v.p. begin, start; start to INF (opposite: prestajati, završavati) § 52

pod m walking surface, floor (story: kat)

pod¨ prep. (+ I) under (location); (+ A) under (destination) § 37

podne (podnev-) n noon

· podnevni rel. adj.

podsjećati ~ podsjetiti v.p. (na A1) remind (A) (of A1); da... remind (A) to...

pogađati («) ~ pogoditi («) v.p. hit A; guess (A) (opposite: promašivati)

· pogođen pass. adj. hit, affected

pogled m look, view

pogledati perf. → gledati

pogodak (pogotk-) m hit (music hit: hit)

pogriješiti («) perf. → griješiti

pojesti (pojede, pojeo) perf. → jesti

· pojeden pass. adj. eaten

pokazivati (-uje «) ~ pokazati (pokaže) v.p. show (A) (to DL); show (to DL) da... show (DL) that...

poklanjati ~ pokloniti («) v.p. donate, give gift A (to DL) (see also: darivati); (perf. only) se² bow to (DL)

· poklonjen pass. adj. given an a gift, donated

poklapati («) ~ poklopiti («) v.p. put lid on A; se² match, coincide

· poklopljen pass. adj. covered (pot)

poklon m gift (also: dar)

poklopac (poklopc-) m lid, hood

pokraj prep. (+ G) beside (also: pored)

pokretati (pokreće) ~ pokrenuti (pokrene) v.p. set A / se² to motion (opposite: zaustavljati)

· pokrenut pass. adj. started

· pokretljiv adj. mobile, unfixed

pokret m movement

pokrivač m blanket, covering

pokrivati («) ~ pokriti (potkrije) v.p. cover A / se²

· pokriven pass. adj. covered

pokušavati («) ~ pokušati v.p. try (to INF) (see also: probati) § 38

pokušaj m attempt

· + da... to ...

pola adv. half § 47

polovica / polovina f half § 47

pomak m shift, small movement

pomagati (pomaže) ~ pomoći (pomogne, pomogao, pomogla) v.p. help (DL) (to INF); (DL) da... to...

pomicati (pomiče) ~ pomaknuti (pomakne) v.p. move, shift A / se² (moving to another house, apartment: seliti) {B/S: pomjerati («) ~ pomjeriti}

· pomaknut pass. adj. shifted, out of place

pomoć f help, aid

· (+ DL) to DL

· pomoćni rel. adj. auxiliary, secondary

pomoćnikassistant, aid, helper

· pomoćnica f

pomorac (pomorc-) mª seaman

ponavljati («) ~ ponoviti («) v.p. repeat, do again A; mediopass;

· ponovljen pass. adj. done again

· ponovljiv adj. repeatable

ponijeti (ponese, ponio, ponijela) perf. take A (with oneself) § 65

ponoć f midnight

· ponoćni rel. adj.

ponos m pride

ponosan (ponosn-) adj. proud

popravak (popravk-) m repair

popis m list

popiti (popije) perf. → piti

· popijen pass. adj. drunk (intoxicated: pijan)

popravljati ~ popraviti v.p. mend, fix, repair A; mediopass. improve § 79

· popravljen pass. adj. repaired

posao (posl-) m (N-pl poslovi) job, business

· poslovni adj. business

poseban (posebn-) adj. special, extraordinary (opposite: običan)

posjećivati (-uje «) ~ posjetiti v.p. visit A

poslati (pošalje) perf. → slati

· poslan pass. adj. sent

poslije adv. after, later § 49

postajati (postaje) ~ postati (postane) v.p. become (N / adj-N) § 52

postavljati ~ postaviti v.p. set, install A § 60

· postavljen pass. adj. placed, set up

posuđivati (-uje «) ~ posuditi («) v.p. (od G) borrow (A) (from G); lend (A) to DL (colloq.) (for house or apartment: iznajmljivati) § 73

· posuđen pass. adj. borrowed

pošta f post office, mail

· poštanski rel. adj.


· poštarica f

pošten adj. honest, fair

· poštenje n fairness, integrity

pošteno adv. fairly, justly; to great extent, thoroughly

poštovati (poštuje) impf. respect A

· poštovan pass. adj. respected (used in letters to address people) § 72

· poštovanje n respect (used also as greeting)

potonuti (potone) perf. → tonuti

potpis m signature

potpisivati (-uje «) ~ potpisati (potpiše) v.p. sign A / se²

· potpisan pass. adj. signed

potvrda f receipt, confirmation

potvrđivati (-uje «) ~ potvrditi («) v.p. confirm A

· potvrđen pass. adj. confimed

povećalo n magnifying glass

povećavati («) ~ povećati v.p. enlarge, increase, make bigger A; mediopass; (opposite: smanjivati)

· povećan pass. adj. enlarged

povesti (povede, poveo) perf. take A (person/animal) § 65

povesti (poveze, povezao, povezla) perf. take A (by driving) § 65

povijest f history {B/S: istorija}

· povijesni adj. historic {B/S: istorijski}

pozdrav m greeting

· (+ DL) to DL

pozdravljati ~ pozdraviti v.p. greet A

poznavati (poznaje) impf. know A, be familiar with A (see also upoznavati)

poznat adj. known, well-known

požar m uncontrolled fire (e.g. in a building)

požurivati (-uje «) ~ požuriti («) v.p. speed up, hurry (A) (see also: žuriti)

prag m threshold

prah m dust

praktičan (praktičn-) adj. handy, easy to use

prašina f dust

prati (pere) ~* o- (») v.p. wash A / se²

pratiti impf. follow A

· praćen pass. adj. followed

pravda f justice

pravedan (pravedn-) adj. just, fair

pravi adj. (no comp.) true, right

pravilo n rule

praviti impf. make, create A

prazan (prazn-) adj. empty

· praznina f emptiness

praznik m public holiday

· praznici m pl. school vacation

predavati (predaje) ~ predati v.p. hand over (A) (to DL); se² surrender (to DL); (only impf.) give lectures (in A)

· predan pass. adj. handed over; dedicated

predlagati (predlaže) ~ predložiti («) v.p. propose, suggest (A) (to DL); da... (DL) to INF

· predložen pass. adj. proposed

predmet m object

prednost f advantage


· predsjednica f

· predsjednički rel. adj.

predstava f show, theatre play

predstavljati ~ predstaviti v.p. represent A § 60

· predstavljen pass. adj. represented

pregled m inspection; (medical) examination

pregledavati («) ~ pregledati browse, examine A

· pregledan pass. adj. examined (medically)

prehlada f cold (disease)

· prehlađen adj. having cold

prekid m interruption, break

prekidati («) ~ prekinuti (prekine) v.p. interrupt A / se²

· prekinut pass. adj. interrupted

prekidač m switch

preko adv. (+ G) across

prelaziti ~ preći (pređe, prešao, prešla) v.p. pass, go over (A) § 51

prenositi («) ~ prenijeti (prenese, prenio, prenijela) v.p. take, carry over, transfer A (to DL) § 65

· prenesen pass. adj. caried over; metaphorical

prepreka f obstacle

prestajati (prestaje) ~ prestati (prestane) v.p. cease, stop (INF) § 52

prestrašiti perf. → strašiti

· prestrašen pass. adj. scared

pretpostavljati ~ pretpostaviti v.p. da... suppose, assume that... § 59

· pretpostavljen pass. adj. supposed

pretpostavka f assumption

preuzimati ~ preuzeti (preuzme) v.p. (A) (od G) take over (A) (from G)

· preuzet pass. adj. taken over

prevoditi («) ~ prevesti (prevede, preveo) v.p. (s¨ G) (na¨ A1) translate (A) (from G) (to A1) § 65

· preveden pass. adj. translated

prezime (prezimen-) n last, family name

pričati ~ is- («) v.p. tell A (to DL)

prihvaćati ~ prihvatiti v.p. accept A; mediopass. {B/S: prihvatati ~}

· prihvaćen pass. adj. accepted

· prihvatljiv adj. acceptable


· prijateljica f

· prijateljski adj.

· prijateljstvo n friendship

prije adv. earlier; (+ G) before § 49

· prijašnji rel. adj. former

prijedlog m proposal

prijetiti impf. threaten (DL)

· prijetnja f threat

prijevod m translation

prijevoz m transport

primjer m example

· na primjer for example [npr.] § 42

princ mª (I princem, N-pl prinčevi) prince

· princeza f princess

pripadati ~~ pripasti (pripadne, pripao) v.p. belong to DL

pripremati («) ~ pripremiti («) v.p. prepare A / se²

· pripremljen pass. adj. prepared

priprema f preparation (incl. food)

priroda f nature

· prirodan (prirodn-) adj. natural

pristajati (pristaje) ~ pristati (pristane) v.p. (da...) agree (to...); (na¨ A) agree (with A); dock (for ships) § 52

pritisak (pritisk-) m pressure

prizemlje n ground floor § 33

prljav adj. dirty

proba f rehearsal

probati perf. try (A / INF)

prodavati (prodaje) ~ prodati v.p. sell A; mediopass.

· prodan pass. adj. sold


· profesorica f

· profesorski rel. adj.

prognoza f forecast

progutati perf. → gutati

· progutan pass. adj. swallowed

proizvod m product

proizvoditi («) ~ proizvesti (proizvede, proizveo) v.p. produce A; mediopass. § 65

· proizveden pass. adj. produced, made

· proizvodnja f production

prolaz m passage, way through

prolaziti ~ proći (prođe, prošao, prošla) v.p. pass § 51

· prošao (prošl-) adj. (no comp.) past

· prošlost f past

proljeće n spring (season)

· proljetni rel. adj.

promijeniti («) perf. → mijenjati

· promijenjen pass. adj. changed

· promjenjiv adj. inconstant, variable

promašivati (-uje «) ~ promašiti v.p. miss (A)

· promašen pass. adj. missed, failed

promet m traffic {B/S: saobraćaj}

promjena f change

pronalaziti ~ pronaći (pronađe, pronašao, pronašla) v.p. find A (see also: naći) § 51

· pronađen pass. adj. found

propadati ~~ propasti (propadne, propao) v.p. fall apart, collapse, fail

· propao (propal-) adj. (no comp.) failed


prosinac (prosinc-) m (formal) December {B/S: decembar (decembr-)} § 31

· prosinački rel. adj.

proslava f celebration

prošli adj. past, former

prošlost f past

protiv adv. against (+ G)

protivnikadversary, rival

· protivnica f

· protivnički rel. adj. rival

provoditi («) ~ provesti (provede, proveo) v.p. spend A (a period of time); se² have time (usually fun) (spend money: trošiti) § 65

· proveden pass. adj. spent

prozor m window {colloq. coast: poništra}

prsa n pl. chest, breasts

· prsni rel. adj.

prst m (N-pl prsti) finger § 27

prsten m (N-pl prsteni / prstenovi) ring

prtljaga f (no pl.) luggage {S: prtljag m}

pružati ~ pružiti v.p. stretch out A; serve, offer A (to DL)

· pružen pass. adj. given (service), stretched out

prvi ord. adj. first § 31

pržiti ~* is- v.p. fry A; mediopass.

· pržen pass. adj. fried

ptica f bird

· ptičji rel. adj.

pucati impf. shoot (from a gun); crack

puhatipuhnuti (puhne) v.p. blow

pun adj. full

puniti ~* na- v.p. fill A

· punjen pass. adj. filled

puno adv.q. a lot § 45, 63

pusa f (colloq. fam./children's) kiss

pust adj. empty, deserted

pustinja f desert, wasteland

· pustinjski rel. adj.

puštati ~ pustiti v.p. release, let go A

· pušten pass. adj. released

pušiti impf. smoke (A) (a cigar, cigarette)

· pušenje n smoking (cigarettes)

put m (I putem, N-pl putevi) way

· ordinal + put(a) time (e.g. third time)

· putni rel. adj.

putnikpassenger, traveler

· putnica f

· putnički rel. adj.

putovati (putuje) ~ do- («) ~ ot- v.t. travel

putovnica f passport {B/S: pasoš}


5 Easy Croatian: P P pa conj. and, then § 55 pad m fall padati ~ pasti ( padne , pao ) v.p. fall · + ispit fail exam pakao ( pakl- ) m hell...

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