(under construction; some stress marks and data missing)
This is a list of often used country and region names, in Croatian, together with associated adjectives, and names of inhabitants (both male and female
The first line contains the English name of a region/country, the Croatian name, and if the name is an really an adjective, there's a mark (adj.); otherwise, adjective is listed after an arrow; then there are names for inhabitants, first male, then female, separated by a tilde.
Although the names of inhabitants are unpredictable, there are couple of common patterns. Nouns for many inhabitants follow the ‘ac/ka scheme’:
Amerikanac (Amerikanc-) ~ Amerikanka
The part before -ac, -c- and -ka stays the same (but observe the stress shift left in feminine, in the standard stress scheme!) so there's no need to list all forms over and over; I'll instead just write – in the usual way:
Amerikanac (-c-) ~ -ka
There's a scheme that's a small variation to the previous, the ‘ac/kinja scheme’:
Danac (Danc-) ~ Dankinja
It applies only to short names (one syllable before -ac), and there's no stress shift. I'll write just:
Danac (-c-) ~ -kinja
There's yet another common scheme for nouns, where male noun is always shortened in plural forms, the ‘in/ka scheme’:
Kanađanin (N-pl Kanađani) ~ Kanađanka
Observe that the stress is the same in male and female noun. I'll write just:
Kanađanin (N-pl -i) ~ -ka
Regardless of the scheme, the endings, there's a rule for all nouns for male inhabitants: they always have plural with just -i, regardless of number of syllables:
Hrvat Croat → Hrvati | Rus Russian → Rusi |
This means that consonant shifts in masculine N-pl apply as well:
Čeh Czech → Česi | Grk Greek → Grci |
Furthermore, certain names of male inhabitants have specific forms (listed below) and are marked by an asterisk (*).
Some countries have more than one name for inhabitants in use; the more common is listed first.
These are common countries and regions in Europe:
country/region (→ adjective) | inhabitants, male ~ female |
Austria Austrija → austrijski | Austrijan-ac (-c-) ~ -ka |
Britain Britanija → britanski | Britanac (-c-) ~ -ka |
Belgium Belgija → belgijski |
Belgijanac (-c-) ~ -ka Belgij-ac (-c-) ~ -ka |
Bosnia Bosna → bosanski | Bosanac (-c-) ~ -ka |
Bulgaria Bugarska (adj.) | Bugarin (N-pl -i) * ~ -ka |
Croatia Hrvatska (adj.) | Hrvat ~ Hrvatica |
Cyprus Cipar (Cipr-) → ciparski | Cipranin (N-pl -i) ~ -ka |
Czech Rep. Češka (adj.) | Čeh ~ Čehinja |
Denmark Danska (adj.) | Danac (-c-) ~ -kinja |
England Engleska (adj.) | Englez ~ Engleskinja |
Finland Finska (adj.) | Finac (-c-) ~ -kinja |
France Francuska (adj.) | Francuz ~ Francuskinja |
Germany Njemačka (adj.) |
N |
Greece Grčka (adj.) | Grk ~ Grkinja |
Hungary Mađarska (adj.) | Mađar ~ Mađarica |
Ireland Irska (adj.) | Irac (-c-) ~ -kinja |
Iceland Island → islandski | Islanđanin (N-pl -i) ~ -ka |
Italy Italija → talijanskiʷ¹ | Talijan ~ Talijanka |
Netherlands Nizozemska (adj.) | Nizozemac (-c-) ~ -ka |
Norway Norveška (adj.) | Norvežanin (N-pl -i) ~ -ka |
Poland Poljska (adj.) | Poljak ~ Poljakinja |
Portugal Portugal → portugalski |
Portugalac (-c-) ~ -ka |
Russia Rusija → ruski | Rus ~ Ruskinja |
Romania Rumunjska (adj.) | Rumunj ~ Rumunjka |
Scotland Škotska (adj.) | Škot ~ Škotkinja |
Serbia Srbija → srpski | Srbin * ~ Srpkinja |
Slovakia Slovačka (adj.) | Slovak ~ Slovakinja |
Slavonia Slovenija → slovenski | Slovenac (-c-) ~ -ka |
Spain Španjolska (adj.) | Španjolac (-c-) ~ -ka |
Sweden Švedska (adj.) | Šveđanin (N-pl -i) ~ -ka |
Swizerland Švicarska (adj.) | Švicarac (-c-) ~ -ka |
Turkey Turska (adj.) | Turčin * ~ Turkinja |
Wales Vels → velški | Velšanin (N-pl -i) ~ -ka |
These are common countries and regions outside Europe:
country/region (→ adjective) | inhabitants, male ~ female |
Africa Afrika → afrički | Afrikanac (-c-) ~ -ka |
America Amerika → američki | Amerikanac (-c-) ~ -ka |
Arabia Arabija → arapski | Arapin * ~ Arapkinja |
Brazil Brazil → brazilski | Brazilac (-c-) ~ -ka |
Canada Kanada → kanadski | Kanađanin (N-pl -i) ~ -ka |
Chile Čile m → čileanski | Čileanac (-c-) ~ -ka |
China Kina → kineski | Kinez ~ Kineskinja |
Egypt Egipat (Egipt-) → egipatski | Egipćanin (N-pl -i) ~ -ka |
India Indija → indijski | Indijac (-c-) ~ -ka |
Japan Japan → japanski | Japanac (-c-) ~ -ka |
These are major regions within Croatia:
region (→ adjective) | inhabitants, male ~ female |
Dalmatia Dalmacija → dalmatinski | Dalmatinac (-c-) ~ -ka |
Istria Istra → istarski |
Istrijan ~ Istrijanka Istranin (N-pl -i) ~ -ka |
Cro. Littoral Primorje → primorski | Primorac (-c-) ~ -ka |
Slavonia Slavonija → slavonski | Slavonac (-c-) ~ -ka |
Zagorje → zagorski | Zagorac (-c-) ~ -ka |
All masc. nouns that end in -in lose that ending in plural; furthermore, the noun Turčin Turk has specific forms in plural:
N | Srbin | Turčin |
A | Srbina | Turčina |
... | ... | |
N-pl | Srbi | Turci |
DLI-pl | Srbima | Turcima |
A-pl | Srbe | Turke |
G-pl | Srba | Turaka |
The nouns Arapin and Bugarin have double present tense forms, e.g. both Arap and Arapin, etc. (shorter forms are not accepted in Standard Serbian).

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