Š • T • U


šaka f fist

šala f joke

šalica f mug, cup (thick, with handle) {B/S: šolja}

šaliti se² impf. joke

šapa f paw

šaptati (šapće) ~ šapnuti (šapne) v.p. (da...) whisper (to DL) (that...)

šaren adj. party-colored, motley § 11

šator m tent

šav m seam, stitch

šećer m sugar


· šefica f

šest number 6

šešir m hat

šetati (šeće / šeta) ~ pro- («) v.p. (se²) stroll; walk A (e.g. a dog)

· šetnja f stroll, leisurely walk

šibica f match (to light a fire)

šiljak (šiljk-) m spike, sharp end

šipka f (G-pl šipki) metal rod, bar

širiti ~* ra- («) / pro- («) v.p. spread, widen A; se² N spread, get wider; (to spread butter, cream: mazati)

širok adj. (comp. širi) wide

· širina width

šišmišbat (flying animal)

šivati (šije / šiva) ~ sašiti (sašije) v.p. sew (A)

škakljati (škaklje) ~ po- («) v.p. tickle A

škare f pl. scissors {B/S: makaze f pl.}

škola f school

· školski rel. adj.

školjka f shell, clam

šlapa f (colloq. NW) house slipper {Std: papuča}

šlag m (colloq.) whipped cream

šminka f make-up

šminkati ~* na- v.p. put make-up on A / se²

šofer (») mª (colloq.) driver (esp. bus driver) {Std: vozač}

· šoferski rel. adj.

špaga f rope

špek m (colloq. inland) bacon {Std: slanina}

štakorrat {B/S: pacov}

štap m pole, rod

· štapić m stick

štedjeti (also štediti) (štedi, štedio, štedjela) ~* u- («) v.p. (u¨ DL) save (money) (A) (in DL)

štednjak m stove

štene (štenet-) n puppy (as pl. štenad f coll.)

šteta f damage, harm

štetan (štetn-) adj. harmful

· štetnost f harmfulness

štititi ~* za- («) v.p. (od G) protect (A) (from G)

što (č- +) pron. what {R/B/S: šta} § 28

šuma f forest

· šumski rel. adj.

šunka f (G-pl šunki) ham

šupalj (šuplj-) adj. (no comp.) hollow

· šupljina f cavity

šutjeti (also šutiti) (šuti, šutio, šutjela) ~~ za- («) v.p. (o DL) be silent (about DL)

· šutnja f silence


tad(a) adv. then

· tadašnji rel. adj. § 76

taj (t-) adj. (no comp.) that § 18

tajan (tajn-) adj. secret

· tajnost f secrecy

tajna f (G-pl tajni) secret

takav (takv-) adj. such

tako adv. like that, so § 18

također conj. as well § 67

tama f darkness

taman (tamn-) adj. dark

taman adj. indecl. (no comp.) (colloq.) exactly

tamo adv. there, that way

tanak (tank-) adj. (comp. tanji) thin (used for things)

tanjur (») m plate {colloq. coast: pjat / pijat; B/S: tanjir}


tava f pan

tavan m attic (na¨ l/d)

· tavanski rel. adj.

tečaj m (N-pl tečajevi) course; exchange rate {B/S: kurs}

· tečajni rel. adj.

teći (teče, pres-3pl teku, tekao, tekla) impf. flow

tek adv. no earlier than § 9

tekuć adj. (no comp.) liquid, flowing

· tekućina f liquid

telefon (») m phone (na¨ act.)

· telefonski rel. adj.

telefonirati («) impf. phone (DL)

televizija f television (na¨ media)

televizor m TV (set)

tenisica f sneaker shoe (usually pl.) {R/B/S: patika}

teta f mother's sister, aunt; (children's) any non-related woman

težak (tešk-) adj. (comp. teži) heavy; difficult

· teškoća f difficulty

· težina f weight

ti (+) pron. you (2nd pers. sg.) § 12, 13, 34

tih adj. (comp. tiši) quiet, silent

· tišina f silence

tijelo n body

· tjelesni rel. adj.

tijesan (tijesn-) adj. very narrow, not fitting

tijesto n pastry

tipka f control button, key (on keyboard)

tipkati ~* o- v.p. type (A) (to DL) (similar: kucati)

· tipkan pass. adj typed (opp. to handwritten)

tisuća f thousand {R/B/S: hiljada} § 46

tjedan (tjedn-) m week (R/B/S: nedjelja / sedmica)

· tjedni rel. adj.

tjerati ~* po- / o- v.p. (od G) chase away A (from G); (da...) force A (to...)

tko (k- +) pron. who {R/B/S: ko} § 28

tlo n soil, ground {B/S: tle}

to n pron. that § 18, 59

topao (topl-) adj. warm

· toplina f warmth, heat

točiti ~* na- («) v.p. pour (A)

točan (točn- ) adj. exact, accurate, on time {B/S: tačan (tačn-)}

· točnost f accuracy {B/S: tačnost}

točka f dot, point, end-of-sentence mark (.) {B/S: tačka}

točno adv. exactly {B/S: tačno}

tok m flow

tolik adj. (no comp.) that big

toliko adv. that many, so many, so much

tonuti (tone) ~* po- («) v.p. sink (to sink something: potapljati)

topiti ~* o- v.p. melt A; mediopass;

torba f purse, bag

torta f big, usually round cake

trag m trail, marks left

trajan (trajn-) adj. lasting, permanent

trajekt m ferry

· trajektni rel. adj.

trajati (traje) impf. last § 47

· trajanje n duration; running time of movie, song

traka f band, stripe

trava f grass

travanj (travnj-) m (formal) April § 31 {B/S: april}

· travanjski rel. adj.

tražiti impf. look for A; mediopass.

· tražen pass. adj. wanted, demanded

trbuh m belly {R/B/S: stomak}

· trbušni rel. adj.

trčati (trči) ~ o- is- / ~ po- v.t. run

trebati ~~ za- v.p. need A; should INF; also used with inverted cases: one who needs is in DL, what is needed in N § 23, 38

treći adj. (no comp.) third § 31

trenirka f tracksuit {R/B/S: trenerka}

trenutak (trenutk-) m moment

trenutno adv. at the moment

tresti (trese, tresao, tresla) ~ s- ~ za- (») v.t. shake A / se²

trg m square (in city) (na¨ l/d)

trgati ~* po- («) / s- v.p. tear A

trgovina f shop; commerce

trgovac (trgovc-) mª shopkeeper

· trgovkinja f

· trgovački rel. adj.

tri number 3

trka f race (competition)

trljati ~ pro- («) v.p. rub A

trn m thorn

· trnovit adj. thorny

· trnje n coll. thorns

trošak (trošk-) m (N-pl troškovi) expense

trošiti ~* po- («) v.p. spend (A) (money, things; to spend time, holidays: provoditi)

trud m effort, hard work

trudan (trudn-) adj. (no comp.) pregnant

· trudnoća f pregnancy

truditi se² ~ po- («) v.p. work hard (to-INF)

truo (trul-) / trul adj. rotten

· trulež f rot

tržnica f farmers' market (na¨ l/d) {colloq. NW: plac; colloq. coast: pjaca; B/S: pijaca}

tu adv. there, here

tući (tuče, pres-3pl tuku; tukao, tukla) ~ is- (») v.p. beat A; se fight one another, fight others (used for physical fights; to win: pobjeđivati)

tuga f sadness, sorrow

tulum m (colloq./slang) house party (na¨ act.)

tuš m shower (to wash body)

tuširati («) ~* o- v.p. shower A / se² (to wash; for heavy rain: pljuštati)

tužan (tužn-) adj. sad

tvoj (+) poss. adj. your § 19

tvornica f factory {B/S: fabrika}

· tvornički rel. adj. {B/S: fabrički}

tvrd adj. (comp. tvrđi) hard (difficult: težak)

· tvrdoća f hardness

tvrditi impf. da... assert, claim (to DL) that...


u¨ prep. (+ A) to § 6; (+ DL) in, at § 15; used to tell time § 9

ubijati («) ~ ubiti (ubije) v.p. kill (A)

· ubijen pass. adj. killed

ubojica mª/f murderer

ubojstvo n murder

učenikpupil, student (at university: student)

· učenica f

· učenički rel. adj.

učiteljteacher (at university: profesor)

· učiteljica f

· učiteljski rel. adj.

učiti ~* na- («) v.p. (od G) learn (A) (from G); teach A (A) (two accusatives: if one is a person, it means teach) § 73; se² na¨ A get used to A

udarac (udarc-) m blow, kick

udarati ~ udariti v.p. smack, kick (A)

udavati (udaje) se² ~ udati se² v.p. (za¨ A) marry (A) (only when woman is the subject; for men: ženiti)

· udan pass. adj. married (for women!)

udoban (udobn-) adj. comfortable, cosy

· udobnost f coziness

udžbenik m schoolbook, textbook

· udžbenički rel. adj.

ugasiti («) perf. → gasiti

· ugašen pass. adj. extinguished

uho n (as pl. uši f pl.) ear § 27

· ušni rel. adj.

uhvatiti perf. → hvatati

· uhvaćen pass. adj. caught

ujakmother's brother

· ujna f wife of ujak

uključivati (-uje «) ~ uključiti («) v.p. include A; switch A on; (opposite: isključivati)

· uključen pass. adj. turned on; included

ukrasti (ukrade, ukrao) perf. → krasti

· ukraden pass. adj. stolen

ulaz m entrance

· ulazni rel. adj.

ulaziti ~ ući (uđe, ušao, ušla) v.p. (u¨ A) enter (A) (opposite: izlaziti) § 51

ulica f street

· ulični rel. adj.

uloga f role

uloviti («) perf. → loviti

· ulovljen pass. adj. caught

ulje n oil (not petrol)

· uljni rel. adj.

umarati («) ~ umoriti («) v.p. tire, exhaust A; se² get tired; (opposite: odmarati)

umirati (umire) ~ umrijeti (umre, umro, umrla) v.p. die

umirovljenik mª (formal) pensioner {colloq./B/S: penzioner}

· umirovljenica f

· umirovljenički rel. adj.

umivati («) ~ umiti (umije) v.p. se² wash face; A wash A's face

umjesto conj./prep. instead of § 67

umjetan (umjetn-) adj. artificial {B/S: vještački}


· umjetnica f

· umjetnički rel. adj.

umjetnost f art

umor m fatigue

umoran (umorn-) adj. tired

uništavati («) ~ uništiti v.p. destroy (A); mediopass; (opposite: stvarati)

· uništen pass. adj. destroyed

unukgrandson § 75

· unuka f granddaughter

unutar prep. (+ G) within, inside

unutra adv. inside

· unutrašnji rel. adj. inner

· unutrašnjost f interior

upitnik m questionnaire; question mark

uplašiti perf. → plašiti

· uplašen pass. adj. scared

uporan (uporn-) adj. persistent

· upornost f perseverance, persistence

upotrebljavati («) ~ upotrijebiti («) v.p. use A; mediopass; (also: koristiti, rabiti)

· upotrijebljen pass. adj. used

urarwatchmaker {B/S: časovničar}

ured m office

· uredski rel. adj.

uredan (uredn-) adj. tidy

· urednost f neatness, tidiness

uređaj m device

uređivati (-uje «) ~ urediti («) v.p. put to order, tidy A / se²; mediopass;

· uređen pass. adj.

uskoro adv. soon

Uskrs m Easter

· uskrsni / uskršnji rel. adj.

uspijevati («) ~ uspjeti (uspije, uspio, uspjela) v.p. succeed (to INF); u¨ DL succeed in DL § 73

uspjeh m success

uspješan (uspješn-) adj. successful

usput adv. by the way

usred prep. (+ G) in the middle of {I: usrid}

usta n pl. mouth

· usni rel. adj.

ustajati (ustaje) ~ ustati (ustane) v.p. (se²) stand up § 52

usuđivati (-uje «) se² ~ usuditi («) se² v.p. dare (to INF)

usvajati («) ~ usvojiti («) v.p. adopt A

· usvojen pass. adj. adopted

uštedjeti / uštediti perf. → štedjeti

· ušteđen pass. adj. saved (money)

utakmica f match (in sports)

utjecaj m influence

· utjecajan (utjecajn-) adj. influential

utorak (utork-) m Tuesday

utroba f bowels, intestine

uvjet m condition, requisite {B/S: uslov}

uvjeravati («) ~ uvjeriti v.p. (da...) convince A / se² (that...)

· uvjeren pass. adj. confident, convinced

uz¨ prep. (+ G) by, close to

uzak (usk-) adj. (comp. uži) narrow

uzalud adv. in vain

uzaludan (uzaludn-) adj. futile

uzbuđivati (-uje «) ~ uzbuditi («) v.p. excite A; se² get excited

· uzbuđen pass. adj. excited

· uzbuđenje n excitement

uzduž prep. (+ G) along

uzgajati («) ~ uzgojiti («) v.p. cultivate, breed A

· uzgojen pass. adj. bred

uzgoj m breeding

uzimati ~ uzeti (uzme) v.p. (od G) take (A) (from G); mediopass. § 60

uzrok m (N-pl uzroci) cause (of something)

užasan (užasn-) adj. terrible

uže (užet-) n (as pl. užad f) rope

užitak (užitk-) m pleasure

ivati («) impf. (u¨ DL) enjoy (DL)

5 Easy Croatian: Š • T • U Š šaka f fist šala f joke šalica f mug, cup (thick, with handle) {B/S: šolja } šaliti se ² impf. joke šapa f paw šaptati ...

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