A • B • C • Č • Ć


a conj. and, but § 12, 55

adresa f address (mail, street)

ako conj. if § 70

alat (») m tool

ali conj. but § 55

anđeo (anđel-) mª angel

· anđeoski rel. adj.

Amerikanac (Amerikanc-) mª American

· Amerikanka f

· američki rel. adj.

apoteka f (colloq.) pharmacy (also: ljekarna)

auto (aut-) m car

autobus m bus

· autobusni rel. adj.

automobil m car (more formal)

· automobilski adj.

autocesta f highway (na¨ l/d) (also: autoput)

avion (») m airplane

· avionski rel. adj.


bacati ~ baciti v.p. throw A (to DL)

· bačen pass. adj. thrown

bajka f (G-pl bajki) fairy tale

baka f (DL baki) grandmother

· bakin poss. adj.

balkon m balcony

banka f bank

bar / barem adv. at least

baviti se² impf. spend time, be engaged in (I)

beba f baby

berba f (G-pl berbi) vintage, harvest of fruits

brati (bere) ~* po- v.p. pick (fruits, flowers)

besplatan (besplatn-) adj. free, offered without payment

bez prep. (+ G) without

bezbrižan (bezbrižn-) adj. not worried at all

bicikl m bicycle

bijeg m (N-pl bjegovi) escape, flight

bijel adj. (comp. bjelji, bjeliji) white

· bjelina f whiteness, empty space on paper

bilježiti ~* za- v.p. note {E: beležiti}

bilježnica f notebook {E: beležnica}

biljka f plant (vegetation)

· biljni rel. adj. herbal

birati ~/~* izabrati (izabere) v.p. select, choose (A); se² get elected

· biran pass. adj. selected, elected

bistar (bistr-) adj. clear; smart, bright

· bistrina f transparency

biti (je² +; imper-2 budi) ~~ (bude) v.p. be (many uses)

bježati (bježi) ~/~* pobjeći (pobjegne, pobjegao, pobjegla) v.p. escape; run away from DL

blagajna f cash register (na¨ l/d) {B/S: kasa}


· blagajnica f

blato n mud

· blatan (blatn-) adj. muddy

blizak (blisk-) adj. (comp. bliži) close

· blizina f closeness

blizu adv. close; (+ G) close to

boca f bottle


· božica f goddess

· božji rel. adj.

bogat adj. rich

· bogatstvo n richness, plenty

bogatašrich man

· bogatašica f rich woman

· bogataški rel. adj.

boja f color; paint {colloq: farba; coast: pitura}

bojati (boji) (Std: bojiti) ~* o- («) v.p. paint (e.g. fences; for paintings: slikati)

bojati (boji) se² impf. be afraid (of G) § 69

bol f (sometimes m) pain (pl usually bolovi m) § 25

bolan (boln-) adj. painful

bolest f illness, disease

bolesnikill person, patient

· bolesnica f

· bolesnički rel. adj.

bolestan (bolesn-) adj. ill

bolnica f hospital

· bolnički rel. adj.

boljeti (boli, bolio, boljela) impf. hurt (the person who experiences pain is in A) § 27

bolji adj. comp. better; → dobar

bor m pine tree

borac (borc-) mª fighter

borba f (G-pl borbi) fight

boriti se² impf. fight; (s I) fight with I; (protiv G) fight against G

brada f chin; beard

brak m marriage

· u braku pred. married

· bračni rel. adj. marital

brana f dam

braniti ~* o- («) v.p. A / se² (od G) defend (A / oneself) (from G)

brašno n flour

bratbrother; as pl. braća (coll.) § 30

bratićmale cousin (female: sestrična)

brava f lock

brdo n hill

· brdski rel. adj.

brijati (brije) ~* o- v.p. shave A / se²

briga f concern, worry

brinuti (brine) (se²) impf. worry; (za A) care (about A); (o DL) care (about DL) § 69

brisati (briše) ~* po-, iz- v.p. (A) delete, erase (A)

brod m ship

· brodski rel. adj.

broj m number, count

brojati / brojiti (broji) ~ iz- («) v.p. count (brojati is more common, although brojiti is Standard)

brz adj. (comp. brži) fast

· brzina f speed

· na brzinu at first glance; on short notice

bubreg m kidney

· bubrežni rel. adj.

bučan (bučn-) adj. noisy

budala f fool

budan (budn-) adj. awake

buditi ~* pro- («) v.p. wake up A; se² wake up

buka f noise

bunar (») m well

bura f strong wind on the Croatian coast, coming from inland

bušiti ~* pro- («) / iz- («) v.p. drill, perforate (A)


car mª (N-pl carevi) emperor

· carica f empress

· carski rel. adj.

cesta f road (na¨ l/d) {I: cista}

cijeli adj. whole {E: ceo}

· cjelina f the whole, entirety

cijena f price

cilj m aim; finishing line

· ciljni rel. adj.

cipela f shoe

crkva f church

· crkveni rel. adj.

crn adj. black § 11

crta f line

crtati ~* na- v.p. draw (A) (a sketch, drawing)

crtež m drawing (na¨ l/d)

crv mª (N-pl crvi) worm

crven adj. red

cura f (colloq.) girl, girlfriend (more formal: djevojka)

· curica f (colloq.) little girl

curiti ~* is- («) v.p. drip, leak

cvijet (N-pl cvjetovi) m flower

· cvijeće n coll.

· cvjetni rel. adj.


čaj m tea (na¨ act.)

· čajni rel. adj.

čak adv. even, more than expected

čamac (čamc-) m small boat

čarapa f sock, stocking

čaroban (čarobn-) adj. magic, magical

čarobnjak (») mª wizard

čarolija f spell, magic

čast f honor

· svaka čast! kudos! (used as praise)

častan (časn-) adj. honorable

· časna sestra (or just časna) nun

čaša f glass (e.g. of water)

čavao (čavl-) m nail (to hammer, not on fingers)

čekati ~* do- v.p. wait (for A) § 3

čekić m hammer

čelik m steel

· čelični adj.

čep m cork

čest adj. (comp. češći) frequent

čestitati («) impf. (DL) (na¨ DL) congratulate (DL) (on DL)

čestitka f greting card

češati (češe) ~ po- («) v.p. scratch A (only to remove itch; to leave marks: grebati)

češalj (češlj-) m (N-pl češljevi) comb

češljati ~* po- v.p. comb A / se²

češnjak m garlic

četiri number 4

četrdeset number 40

četvero number four people § 68

četvorica coll. four men § 68

četvrtak (četvrtk-) m Thursday

četvrti adj. fourth § 33

· četvrt f quarter

· četvrtina f quarter

činiti impf. do, make A (raditi is more common); se² seem; impers. se² (DL) da... it seems (to DL) that...

čist adj. (comp. čišći) pure, clean

· čistoća f cleanliness

čistiti ~* o- v.p. clean (A)

čitati ~* pro- v.p. read (A) (to DL)

· čitan pass. adj. read

· čitljiv adj. readable

čitav adj. whole, undamaged

čizma f boot

čokolada f chocolate

· čokoladni rel. adj.

čovjekhuman, man § 13; as pl. ljudi m pl. § 29

čučati (čuči) ~~ čučnuti (čučne) v.p. crouch

čudan (čudn-) adj. strange

čuditi ~~ za- v.p. astonish A; se² be astonished (by DL); se² da... be astonished that...

čudo n (N-pl čuda / čudesa) wonder, miracle

čuti (čuje) impf. (can) hear A; mediopass; za A hear of A; da... hear that...

čupati ~* is- v.p. (iz G) pull out A (from G)

čuvati impf. (A) keep (A); A (G) guard A (from G)

čuvar (») mª guard

· čuvarica f

čvrst adj. (comp. čvršći) sturdy, robust, firm

· čvrstoća f firmness

čvor m knot


ćelav adj. bald

· ćelavost f baldness

ćevap m nugget of grilled minced meat, traditional Bosnian fast food

· ćevapčić m the same thing as ćevap

5 Easy Croatian: A • B • C • Č • Ć A a conj. and, but § 12 , 55 adr e sa f address (mail, street) ako conj. if § 70 a l a t (») m tool ali conj. but § 55 ...

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