→ You can also read this chapter in French.
N |
A |
DL |
G |
The past tense is completely different than the present tense in Croatian. First, it’s always formed from two words, the past form of the verb and present of the verb biti (je² +) be. The past form varies according to the gender of the subject and whether it’s singular or plural.
The endings of the past form (also known as past participle, or l-participle) are not too complicated:
gender | past | past pl. |
fem. | -la | -le |
neut. | -lo | -la |
masc. | -o ® | -li |
For example, here are the past forms the verb čitati read:
gender | past | past pl. |
fem. | čitala | čitale |
neut. | čitalo | čitala |
masc. | čitao ® | čitali |
(I’ve dropped the underline on the first vowel, since it’s only important for the present tense anyway.)
Again, there’s no difference between the two masculine genders. Even better, the past forms are simply created by adding their endings to a verb after the -ti is removed. It works for many verbs with ‘irregular’ presents as well – their past is perfectly regular. It holds even for the verb biti (je² +) be:
verb | past-f | past-m |
biti (je² +) be | bila | bio |
pisati (piše) write | pisala | pisao |
piti (pije) drink | pila | pio |
plesati (pleše) dance | plesala | plesao |
slati (šalje) send | slala | slao |
trčati (trči) run | trčala | trčao |
Also, for almost all verbs, past forms are stressed on the same syllable as the infinitive, e.g. izgledati → izgleda-la.
Past forms are similar to adjectives, and for few verbs, they can be used as true adjectives: then they get case endings, etc.
How to use it? Well, you take the right past form and the right form of the present of biti (je² +) be (keeping in mind that it should go to the second position):
Ana je plesala. Ana danced.
Ivan je čitao knjigu. Ivan read a book.
You can use personal pronouns as subjects, but it’s common not to use them:
Spavali smo u hotelu. ▶ We slept in a hotel. {m/mixed}
There’s nothing special about the verb biti (je² +) be in the past – its past is formed as for any other verb:
Ana je bila gladna. ▶ Ana was hungry.
Even if you are talking in the 1st or 2nd person, you must respect the gender of the subject (as with adjectives, the principle is identical):
Spavala sam. ▶ I slept. {f}
Spavao sam. ▶ I slept. {m}
Bila sam umorna. ▶ I was tired. {f}
Bio sam umoran. ▶ I was tired. {m}
Bili smo umorni. ▶ We were tired. {m/mixed}
Since the past form indicates gender of the subject, even if pronouns are omitted in the 3rd person (and, usually, they are omitted) we know the subject sex:
If there are personal pronouns in A, G or DL that require the second position, of course they somehow clash with forms of the verb biti (je² +) be that require the same position. The rule is that present forms of the verb biti come first, except in the 3rd person, where je² comes last in the chain of second-position contenders:
Čekao sam ga. ▶ I waited for him. {m}
Čekala si ga. ▶ You waited for him. {to f}
Čekala ga je. ▶ She waited for him.
If there’s a particle se², it behaves like other pronouns in A (me², ga², etc.). There’s a special rule: if je² (pres-3 of biti) would come after se², it’s almost always left out:
Bojao sam se. ▶ I was afraid. {m}
Goran se je bojao. ▶ Goran was afraid.
Goran se bojao. ▶ (this form is usually used)
Note: both special rules – placement after pronouns and leaving out when se² is used – apply only to the 3rd person singular form je²: the plural form, to be introduced soon, has no special rules.
The verb form je² – when used to form the past tense – is sometimes left out in newspaper headlines, on billboards, etc.
Don’t think about the past tense as čuo sam and like. Think about it as čuo + sam², where the auxiliary verb goes to the second position, and the past form can, in principle, be anywhere:
Goran je jednog hladnog zimskog dana čuo... On a cold winter day, Goran heard...
(Expressions like jednog hladnog zimskog dana will be explained later.) When you see an auxiliary verb, the matching past form (or an adjective) can be sometimes far away!
You have to be careful with the impersonal use of verbs. That’s whenever English uses “dummy” it, but also in impressions. From now on, I will mark all impersonal verbs in the present tense with a small circle (°):
Hladno je°. It’s cold.
Hladno mi je°. I’m cold. (lit. ‘It’s cold to me.’)
Drago nam je°. We’re glad. (lit. ‘It’s dear to us.’)
Dosta mu je°. He had enough.
All such sentences in the past tense always use neuter singular past forms:
Bilo je hladno. It was cold.
Bilo mi je hladno. I was cold. (lit. ‘It was cold to me.’)
Bilo nam je drago. We were glad. (lit. ‘It was dear to us.’)
Bilo mu je dosta. He has had enough.
Now you see why I have marked impersonal verbs in present tense with a °: it reminds you that you have to use the neuter singular in the past tense – a form that ends in -o. Of course, this is just a reminder I’ve invented for this work, nobody else uses it. Please don’t use it when you write Croatian words and sentences!
I repeat: impersonal sentences have no subjects. There have no nouns or pronouns in the nominative case. The last sentence translates literally as ‘it was enough to him’. They are always in neuter singular in the past tense. As there’s no subject, the past form defaults to its neutral, kind of genderless form.
The following sentences at the first glance look impersonal too, but they aren’t:
While English sentences are impersonal, Croatian ones aren’t: in these sentences, subjects are ponoć f midnight and jutro morning, so in the past tense, past forms will get gender of subjects:
Bila je ponoć. ▶ It was midnight. (lit. ‘Midnight was.’)
Bilo je jutro. ▶ It was morning. (lit. ‘Morning was.’)
Another likely unexpected behavior is for sentences of the form ovo je..., to je... + noun. In such sentences, the subject isn’t to, but the noun, so the past tense adjusts to its gender:
To je mačka. ▶ It’s a cat.
→ To je bila mačka. ▶ It was a cat.
To je problem. That’s a problem.
→ To je bio problem. That was a problem.
To negate sentences in the past tense, just use the negative forms of present tense of biti (that is, nisam, nisi, nije, etc.):
Ana nije bila gladna. Ana wasn’t hungry.
Nisam spavao. I didn’t sleep. {m}
Nije nam bilo dosadno. We weren’t bored.
As usual, forms nisam and so on are not restricted to the second position and are commonly found right before the past form.
A special case is the negative existential construction. While it uses impersonal nema in the present tense, in the past tense, impersonal nije bilo is used:
Nema° piva. ▶ There’s no beer.
→ Nije bilo piva. ▶ There was no beer.
Nema° ih. ▶ They aren’t here/there.
→ Nije ih bilo. ▶ They weren’t here/there.
There are useful adverbs of time often used with verbs in the past tense:
davno a long time ago jučer yesterday ® malo prije moments ago |
nedavno recently nekad(a) some time ago ranije earlier |
The adverb nedavno means that some action or state happened at a recent period; the adverb odnedavno means something started at a recent moment (and might still be ongoing).
For example:
Sadly, some verbs are irregular even in the past tense; this includes all verbs having infinitives ending in -ći and most with inf. in -sti. Therefore, when such verbs are listed, they will have past-m forms listed as well after their pres-3:
jesti (jede, jeo) eat
plesti (plete, pleo) knit
(I will list the past-m and not e.g. past-f simply due to tradition of listing verb forms, and because you will find past-m’s listed in printed and online dictionaries.) The past-f is listed if it cannot be regularly obtained from the past-m; luckily, all other past forms can always be deduced from the past-f. That’s how most verbs in -ći are listed:
ići (ide, išao, išla) go
peći (peče, pekao, pekla) bake
vući (vuče, vukao, vukla) pull
Some verbs with infinitives in -sti have a bit specific past-f form as well:
gristi (grize, grizao, grizla) bite
rasti (raste, rastao, rasla) grow
To help you remember all irregular past forms, they will be shown in dark blue in examples, and you can get a small pop-up with the inf and the form name (e.g. past-m) if you place your mouse over them – or touch them, if you use a touchscreen. For example:
Ana je jelajesti
Ana ate.
Verbs like vidjeti see – actually, all verbs ending in -jeti, including razumjeti understand – always have the following forms in the past: ®
inf | past-m | past-f | |
see | vidjeti | vidio | vidjela |
understand | razumjeti | razumio | razumjela |
For instance:
Vidio sam Anu. ▶ I saw Ana. {m}
Vidjela sam Anu. ▶ I saw Ana. {f}
Razumio sam ga. ▶ I understood him. {m}
Nismo ih razumjeli. ▶ We didn’t understand them. {m/mixed}
This is yet another instance where past forms are more regular then the present tense. I will normally list the past forms for such verbs too, but sometimes I omit them and write just ... to make the text more compact.
Once in a while, you’ll see and hear another past tense, the aorist tense ®. It’s most common used in the first person, and its forms are just one word; for instance, the 1st person aorist form is usually obtained by replacing the infinitive -ti with -h, e.g. vidjeh I saw. For a fuller description, see 99 Aorist Tense and Other Marginal Features.
For a full discussion of various verb types, check A3 Verbs.
Finally, there are many verbs in Croatian which mean some action was brought to completion. Such verbs are rarely used in the present tense, since present tense is understood as ongoing, uncompleted, but they are frequent in the past tense. For example, the verb pročitati means read completely. In the past tense, such verbs usually correspond to simple English tenses, while normal verbs often correspond to continuous tenses:
Čitao sam knjigu. ▶ lit. ‘I read some of the book.’ {m}
Pročitao sam knjigu. ▶ lit. ‘I read the book completely.’ {m}
Such verbs – implying completion – are called perfective: they will be explained in depth in 37 Complete Reading: Perfective Verbs and later chapters. You will encounter some of them in examples in the following sections. For now, it’s enough to keep in mind they aren’t normally used in the present tense.
® The endings for past forms listed above are Standard Croatian (and Serbian, Bosnian, Montenegrin). In the colloquial use, many people pronounce past-m forms that end in -ao (e.g. čekao, išao, and so on) with only -o (that is, čeko, išo, etc.). You will hear such forms, and see them spelled sometimes with an apostrophe (i.e. ček’o, iš’o).
In many regions, especially in smaller towns and villages, there are other forms of past-m, e.g. ending in just -l; such dialects will be briefly introduced in later chapters.
Instead of jučer, a slightly shortened juče is used in Serbia and Bosnia. Instead of kino, the word for cinema used in Serbia and Bosnia is bioskop.
“Ekavian” forms, which dominate in Serbia, are much simpler for verbs in -jeti: from e.g. videti, past forms are video, videla, from razumeti – razumeo, razumela, etc.
In parts of Croatia and Bosnia, you often hear (and sometimes read) generalized “Ikavian” forms, where such verbs have all past endings in -i-, e.g. vidio, vidila, vidili, etc.
The aorist tense is much more common in Bosnia and Serbia.
Hi Daniel,
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned that for impersonal statements the neuter, singular past form of 'biti' must be used.
The example you provided: "Bilo nam je drago."
I'm confused as to why the neuter plural "Bila nam je drago" wouldn't be used instead. Is there any reason or is it just a random rule of the language?
Thanks for your help.
The form bilo is the neuter singular form. Why would you use the plural form? Because of nam? That's NOT the subject. There's no subject, that's what "impersonal" means. Impersonal sentences are ALWAYS in neuter singular in the past.
DeleteThe sentence translates literally as it was glad to us. I will emphasize it in the text. lp
Ah yes, that's right thanks for the reminder. Cheers man!
DeleteHi Daniel,
ReplyDeleteWould you please mind explaining the differences between 'nedavno' and 'odnedavno'. Both have been listed as 'recently' but cant they be used interchangeably?
No, they have a different meaning. I have clarified it here better, and updated the chapter 21 as well, where odnedavno is introduced. lp
DeleteSo for example you would say:
Delete"Bio sam nedavno u Hrvatskoj" as in "I was in Croatia recently (but not anymore)".
"Pijem kavu odnedavno" would roughly mean "I have been drinking coffee recently" (and still am drinking it as an ongoing thing).
Cheers for the clarification.
Hello Daniel,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Mariana and i am Brazilian.
First i would like to thank you for your blog, it is helping me a lot.
I didn't understand when you explain about Padalo je, in neuter gender, but in the exercise it changed to padala je kisa. So if i want to specify: rain is falling, i need to change gender, is that correct??
And i still cannot understand about the constrution of sentence in Croatian. Is there somewhere that i can check on it? I don't unsdertand the order of verb, adverb,subject...
Thank you one more time, i don't know what i would do without this blog.
Yes, it's correct. The rain (kiša) is the subject then, and the past form must accordingly be feminine. Beware, it is "rain was falling". Only in the past tense verb forms show gender of the subject.
DeleteI have now a feeling that "padalo je" sentences are too advanced for this point, and I will remove them. Simply ignore them for the moment, as I see they confuse people a lot. I will remove them and explain much later.
The order of words is relatively free. It's usually subject-verb-object, but it can be other. Unfortunately, there's no place to check.
I will explain the word order gradually in various constructions in the chapters that follow. For instance, in the chapter #27, I will explain the word order in sentences expressing pain. There, the person feeling the pain normally comes first (unless expressed by a pronoun, of course) despite NOT being the subject.
You can also think about the word order in the way that what is already known comes first, and what is new, the new information, comes last. Adverbs usually come before verbs, but there's a lot of freedom.
I have started a summary on word order here: http://www.easy-croatian.com/2014/11/a5.html but it's still far from finished.
Please feel free to ask anything.
Thank you very much for your answer and for your blog
Wonderful stuff! Do the terms "Ekavian" and "Ikavian" refer to the usage of the vowel E or I respectively, e.g. "razumem" is Ekavian, as opposed to standard Croatian "razumijem"?
ReplyDeleteYes, of course. 1000 years ago, there was a vowel usually spelled as ě, which changed later in e, i or (i)je, in various regions. Ikavian, Ekavian and Ijekavian are names for outcomes of that variation. The change was NOT completely regular, as you can see in the chapter #78 and the appendix A9.
DeleteThis verb was razuměti long ago.
There are still regions where ě is a special vowel, different from the plain e (most of Slovenia and the rural regions around Zagreb).
BTW Ekavian and Ijekavian have been introduced in the chapter #2 :)
DeleteFastinating! Indeed, Russian seems to have retained most of these as palatized, and some of them are palatized in Croatian (-ije-). Very cool!
DeleteIt's a bit more complicated. Both e and ě turned into the palatalizing e in Russian (they were palatalizing for a long time) and they merged. But there's one difference. Stressed /e/ changed into /jo/, while stressed /ě/ didn't.
DeleteThere are parts of Slovenia and Croatia where stressed long /ě/ changed into ie, but in others it changed into ei. In Bulgaria, it changed into /ja/ usually. Etc
You can see it in Russian medved [mjedjvét] vs. Std. Croatian medvjed or Ikavian medvid. The first e comes from a plain e.
DeleteBTW the original proposal for Croatian spelling reform in thr 19th ct had a special letter ě, to spell the same, regardless of Ikavian/Ijekavian/Ekavian variations, but it was soon abandoned
Sorry, the Russian word is actually medvéd', pronounced as [mʲɪdˈvʲetʲ] -- the unstressed e is reduced. I always forget the reduction - Russian pronunciation is quite different than Croatian. But you see the stressed e.
DeleteAh, that's a very good explanation! The diphthongization of e -> ije reminds of the similar diphthongization that occurred in some Romance languages:
Latin mel
Italian miele
Spanish miel
French miel
Romanian miere
but not others:
Portuguese: mel
Catalan: mel
Sardinian: mel
ReplyDeleteDo you use bila/bio on the gender of the word or the gender of the actual thing you are talking about? For example, To je bila Mačka.. But how would you say it is a male cat?
For cat, there are two Croatian words:
Deletemačka feminine/generic
mačak (mačk-) masculine
So if you want to say specifically it was a male cat, you would say:
to je bio mačak
But note you have to use another noun if you want to use another gender. The noun mačka is always feminine, regardless of the actual cat being maybe male.
The same is with osoba person -- it's always feminine, despite some persons being masculine. Also roditelj parent is always masculine, despite many parents being moms.
Hope this helps.
Hi Daniel--just FYI, a "rupica na bradi" would be called a 'dimple on one's chin' in English, not a hole. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! I will put a remark that "little hole" is a literal translation. Lp
DeleteNot sure if this is the most relevant lesson to post this comment in, but my Croatian fiancé frequently says “Bio sam zaspao”. (I feel like he uses this “bio sam + past form” construction with other verbs too, but the exact ones are escaping me right now.) Is “zaspao” being used as an adjective in this usage...?
ReplyDeleteThis is yet another past tense :) (No, zaspao is the past form.) It's used for things in the past that aren't relevant for the present moment, or for emphasizing it DID happen. It's much rarer than the usual present tense. I don't know why your boyfriend uses it frequently :)
DeleteYou can find more here: http://www.easy-croatian.com/2014/11/86.html
WHOA, mind blown. I have never learned anything about this pluperfect tense. Thanks!!
DeleteIn traditional grammars, there are 4 past tenses, but the simple past (pojeo sam) is used 98% of the time. Pluperfect (bio sam pojeo) is much rarer, while the aorist tense (pojedoh) is very rare in Croatia, but more common in Bosnia and Serbia. The fourth tense, imperfect, is completely archaic. lp
DeleteAlso, of course, past forms are originally just frozen adjectives. The original past tense is the (now rare) aorist tense, one word only. But it was gradually replaced by the current past tense, and the original past fell out of use in western regions. lp
DeleteAs always, your knowledge of all things language astounds me. Thank you so much for the effort and the education. I would like to buy you a beer the next time I'm in Croatia. :)
DeleteHaha, thanks! Yes, a beer would be OK, or something :)
DeleteBear in mind, I had to study the language a bit and read some books in order to write this blog. There's something else: as the language here is quite diverse, everyone is a bit of dialectologist, as you can often hear and read constructions you would never use. You meet someone from Bosnia, and he or she uses the aorist tense a lot. You immediately notice you barely use the same tense. So it's not uncommon for the people here to know such things. lp
Yep, my fiance has this ability that you've just described. Someone opens their mouth to speak, and 3 words in he can tell me practically what city the speaker comes from. It boggles my mind every time. Despite having lived in Croatia for a year and being fairly conversational in the language, my ear can't immediately distinguish between Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, let alone where exactly someone would be from. I suppose after a couple of sentences I can PROBABLY determine Croatian vs. Serbian, but that's as far as it gets. And I actually think I have a very good ear for language, in general.
DeleteYou can't distinguish between "Croatian" and "Bosnian". In reality, there's no "Croatian" - there are just various dialects which are spoken in Croatia, some of them also in neighboring countries.
DeletePay attention to the place of stress and to long vowels, and it will tell you a lot!
Every time I read "dimple on her chin" it just trips me up. One may have a wart or a pimple on the chin but she has a dimple in her chin. People also have dimples in their cheeks, not on their cheeks.
ReplyDeleteThank you for pointing that! I'll correct it ASAP. As you
Deletecan see, everything is "na licu" in Croatian. lp
Bog, there is a small error in this sentence: "The adverb nedavno means that some action or state happened at a recent period; the adverb odnedavno means start something started at a recent moment (and might still be ongoing)." Maybe it should read: "...the adverb odnedavno means something started..." Thanks for all of the hard work.
ReplyDeleteHi, I think it might be adding the word 'singular' to the sentence "except in the 3rd person, where je² comes last...", so that it's "except in 3rd person singular, ..."
ReplyDeleteAlthough it does mention 'je' and not 'su', I was personally confused later on in Chapter 27 because for some reason I thought the rule applied to both 3rd person singular and plural.
You're right! I'll add a clarification here and when I introduce su.
DeleteThanks for this comment, such corrections make my site better!
lp Daniel