92 Therefore: Sentence introducers


This chapter will introduce various common ways to start a sentence, both in speech and in writing.

Let’s first check the particle zar. It’s used to start a yes/no question which, we think, have a negative answer. This is used mostly in writing and formal speech:

Zar je sve takvo? Is everything really like that?

This is more common in writing. In speech, baš and stvarno really are more common, but they aren’t fixed to the first position.

Then, there are several words and short phrases used to change a topic or somehow break the sequence of sentences:

dakle therefore
inače ...
međutim however
naravno of course
osim toga besides
zapravo actually

These words and phrases are normally separated by comma from the rest of the sentence:

Zapravo, ... . Actually, ... .

(the rest is coming soon)

5 Easy Croatian: 92 Therefore: Sentence introducers UNDER CONSTRUCTION This chapter will introduce various common ways to start a sentence, both in speech and in writing. Let’s first check...

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